Welcome to dev Tunes!
This was an educational project for me, to apply the knowledge and techniques that I had studied over the last few months and solidify those concepts in my mind. A Udemy course I took was used as reference for building this site, but rather than working with jQuery and PHP my main goal was to improve on my JavaScript, therefore I made the effort of solely using HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript for this project.
*Note- I realise there are better practices for some of the functionality in this music player such as storing data and accessing files through a server rather than locally but again this project was purely for improving my JavaScript.
It is best to use Chrome with this site, due to some other browsers having issues with working locally, on non-server environment.
Also the test audio files are just reused for most of the songs, that's why you'll hear different songs playing the same audio, and the profile page is just a dummy page of course.